Course Introduction
Week # Instructions
Lesson 1: Understanding the Basics of Salon Business
Lesson 2: Preparing for a Career in Cosmetology
Lesson 3: The Importance of Licensure
Lesson 4: Understanding Testing Formats
Lesson 5: Tips for Navigating the Job Search
Lesson 6: Creating a Winning Resume
Lesson 7: Building a Strong Portfolio
Lesson 8: Conducting Field Research
New Lesson 9: Conducting Field Research
Lesson 10: Understanding Industry Trends and Standards
Lesson 11: Conducting a Salon Industry Survey
Lesson 12: Preparing for the Salon Visit
Lesson 13: Understanding the Interview Process
Lesson 14: Understanding the Interview Process
Lesson 15: Adjusting to the Real World
Lesson 16: Thriving in a Service-Oriented Profession
Lesson 17: Understanding Compensation Methods
Lesson 18: Managing Your Money
Lesson 19: Giving Yourself a Raise
Lesson 20: Discovering the Seller in You
Lesson 21: Principles of Selling
Lesson 22: The Psychology of Selling
Lesson 23: The Importance of Rebooking Clients
Lesson 24: Strategies for Building Your Clientele
Lesson 25: Maintaining Client Relationships
